We update the product every week, so make sure to stay tuned for all the updates.
3 New Testimonials Section Added
3 New Gallery Section Added
6 New Hero Section Added
6+ Contact Sections Added
Keeping users informed about the company is vital for an optimal experience. We have introduced 6 new variants, and more are coming soon!
6+ About Us Sections Added
Everyone loves to always know a little more about projects or brands, we have introduced 6 new sections of 'about us,' 'about us,' or 'our team.' Present your team or explain about your company in the best possible way.
2+ Career Details Added
We have added 2 new different formats for the Careers section. Now you will be able to create job postings with all possible details: role, salary, description, image, company, location, etc.
10+ Hero Sections Added
The Hero sections are probably the most important in web page creation, as they are essentially the first impact a user has when interacting with the website.
We are pleased to announce that we have added 10 new sections to the Figma document.
5+ Careers Pages Added
The "unique pages" are a crucial and distinctive element of Koala. Essentially, they are pre-prepared sections designed for conversion, so users do not have to contemplate which structures to follow. Everything is well-thought-out.
Today, we are announcing 5 new pages for the careers section. These sections are primarily used to attract talent and provide opportunities to new users.
9+ CTA's Section Added
Today, we introduce more than 9 different CTAs (Calls to Action) in the Design System, precisely 13 different variants. This will allow you to increase the possibilities of conversion on your website. CTAs are elements used to guide users to explore new functionalities, subscribe to newsletters, or make purchases from other locations.
These CTAs are designed to drive engagement and enhance user interaction. Used correctly, they can significantly increase conversion rates.
These CTAs are available in the Figma document.
Remember that you can also mix them with 3 different themes (light, dark & cream) and 3 variants: Rounded, Full & Sharp.
Happy building
Introducing Dark Mode & Cream Mode
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Dark Mode and Cream Mode. This changes everything radically. Why? Let's do a simple equation: If you have 500 components and multiply them by 3 variants - Light Mode, Dark Mode, and Cream Mode - you get 1500 components. With 500 components, if we calculate the factorial to see the number of variations possible, it yields a colossal number, 500! ≈ 1.2216779×10^1134. But if, on top of that, instead of calculating it based on 500 variants, we calculate it with 1,500, you can imagine the possibilities and options for creating different things.
In a nutshell, having 500 different components in 3 different modes significantly increases customization possibilities and enables our users to create even more varied websites. The capabilities of personalization and differentiation are elevated to an extraordinary degree
Happy building!
Koala is born
We are very excited to announce that Koala has finally been born. This means that it is now public, transitioning from being a private project worked on in the shadows.
This holds significant meaning for us; it marks the beginning of something new.