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April 13, 2024
3 min read

7 Tips to Make 10x Better Websites in 2024

Image of the author of the blog.
Jordi Espinosa

We're already in the midst of 2024, and the way web pages are made has changed immensely from how they were made 20 years ago. In today's article, we'll discuss 7 things you should keep in mind to create better web pages in 2024.

Prioritize Mobile-First Design

If we mention it, it's because it still isn't given the importance it requires. It's 2024, and the majority of users browse a webpage for the first time from their mobile devices.

With the majority of users now browsing the web from mobile devices, prioritizing mobile-first design is crucial. This approach ensures your website is optimized for smaller screens, providing users with a seamless browsing experience regardless of the device they're using.

Accessibility Matters

Web accessibility is no longer just a recommendation; it's a legal requirement and a moral imperative.

In 2024, making your website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not only the right thing to do but also makes good business sense. Incorporating features such as alternative text for images, keyboard navigation, and proper color contrast not only improves usability for all users but also helps your website rank better in search engine results.

Moreover, from a business perspective, it's not in your interest to exclude certain people. These people can still be your customers, potential buyers, individuals who can help you maintain your company or your website; they simply have some difficulties in consuming the web. That's why we need to make their lives easier.

Speed Optimization Techniques

In today's fast-paced digital world, users expect websites to load quickly, regardless of their internet connection speed.

In reality, there isn't much difference between a score of 90 and 100 in terms of SEO. You won't rank better or worse for having 90 or 100, but having 100 does make your website faster than one with a score of 90.

Here, speed is what matters, SEO too, but above all, speed. Nowadays, if a page doesn't load within 2 seconds, we automatically close it. If browsing isn't smooth, we'll close it too. So, it's important to prioritize smooth and efficient page navigation if we want to retain our users and subsequently convert them into customers.

To ensure optimal performance, employ speed optimization techniques such as minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching, and optimizing images and videos.

Content First and Structure First

Before delving into the visual elements of your website, focus on developing high-quality content and a solid site structure. Structure and content are everything, no matter how beautiful the UI is.

Content is king, and users visit your site for the information it provides. Start by outlining your content hierarchy and organizing it logically.

Once you have a clear structure in place, you can then design the layout around the content, ensuring it remains the focal point of your website.

Invest Time in Images

In the visually-driven world of web design, images play a crucial role in capturing users' attention and conveying your brand's message.

In reality, images make up 90% of the website. The same design with different images creates almost a whole new world.

Invest time in selecting high-quality images that complement your content and resonate with your target audience. Also, consider purchasing licenses to use higher quality images.

Whether it's custom photography, stock images, or illustrations, choose visuals that enhance the overall look and feel of your website.

Simplify Navigation

Navigating a website should be intuitive and effortless for users. Complex navigation menus and cluttered layouts can confuse visitors and drive them away from your site. Simplify navigation by using clear and concise menu labels, incorporating breadcrumb trails for easy backtracking, and implementing a search function for quick access to specific content.

Don't try to impress visitors with too much content, dropdown menus, many links... this will have the opposite effect and overwhelm users.

Keep your website as simple and clear as possible. Finding things should be easy. At most, put 5 links in the navigation.

Use Different Structures Regarding the Type of the Website

Not all websites are created equal, and different types of websites require different structures to effectively convey their purpose and engage their target audience.

Whether you're building an e-commerce site, a blog, a portfolio, or a corporate website, tailor your design and layout to suit the specific needs of your audience and industry. Consider factors such as user behavior, content hierarchy, and conversion goals when determining the optimal structure for your website.

A very typical mistake is using the same structure for any type of website. This is a grave mistake.

There are websites whose main objective is to showcase the product, while others aim for visitors to end up purchasing a product or subscribing to a premium plan.

You must use a different structure according to the page's intention.

For example, if you're creating a website where it's important to showcase the product and then have users subscribe to a plan, you'll follow a structure similar to this:

  • Heading 1 with the main value proposition.
  • Testimonials + social proof: Quick testimonials of people who are already using the product. You can also use brand logos to build trust. Alternatively, you can use insight numbers (such as the number of product downloads, number of clients...).
  • Showcase the product, ideally highlighting 3 main features.
  • Display the testimonials again, this time try to include more than what you did at the beginning.
  • Present the pricing plan.
  • Include the final call to action.
  • Display the footer.


Every decision you make on a webpage is important; everything you do and don't do has an impact on the webpage.

  • Invest in images.
  • Think content and structure first, then UI.
  • Aim for simplicity, the right and necessary content, and minimal animations. The super cool websites from Awwwards don't convert well.
  • Dedicate time to responsiveness, especially on mobile.

If you apply these tips, I assure you that you'll improve your webpage at least 10 times over.